My Winter Skin Care Routine
Hi Guys!
As The Embassy of Beauty has been closed for what seems like forever due to the pandemic, I wanted to reach out to all of you just for a little contact, and thought I would share my Winter Skincare Routine with you.
I go through the skincare benefits of each product, how they benefit my particular skin and how I use them. From cleansing to exfoliating with the Lotion P50 to hydrating, brightening and anti ageing masks, serums and creams. Its been great speaking with so many of you on the phone and over email to advise you on your own skincare routines, so I thought why not share what I am doing!
If you have any questions you can always contact me at concierge@embassyofbeauty.co.uk
I hope you enjoy the video!
Natalie, xoxo
By Natalie Kingsly-Fieldgrass
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